Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Task 5: Video Reflections, Paul Bennett: Designing Details

Take home messages from the video would be that we can get inspiration and ideas by looking at how everything around us works; things that normally wouldn’t be noticed usually or taken into consideration. This is demonstrated when they “become the patient”. Everyone knows that patients get bored easily because they are always staring at the ceiling, but designs have hardly been based around this aspect of hospitals. Bennet’s team however, took this experience and used it to inspire designs based on how to improve one’s experience in a hospital. The concept that I liked was the changing of flooring which would make the patient feel as if they were in their own personal space when entering their room. This shows how such a small change can make a huge difference.

As designer’s we would mostly be designing for other people, and a wide variety of target markets, so we should be putting ourselves in their shoes and seeing how everything works. From this, we can get ideas to improve their experience. As designer’s An example of this is how Bennet’s team, RDL were designing a water pump to be used in Kenya. Their initial thoughts were to improve in the way it looked in order to make it a more pleasant experience. However, when they visited their target market in Kenya, they found that the form is the least important aspect of the design, as they had to take into consideration the manufacturing methods and the use of indigenous materials first. This gave them a greater insight into their target market, which caused them to redesign completely. I have also learnt that we must constantly question our designs and constantly question the things that we do in order to further push our designs.

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