- For starters they should practice what they preach, be environmentally friendly and leave a small ecofootprint.
- Search for solutions to create a sustainable solution, possibly translating these solutions through products and systems that we design. educating people.
- We could affect the future because as industrial designers, what we envision, we portray through our products. These ideas conveyed to everyone else. communicators.
- maybe our products can link man and nature, so that people come to the realisation that we are nature and stop destroying the earth through the use of technology and whatnot. Change their thinkinging that we are separated from nature.
- Products designed in the 18th, 19th century, such as the steam engine, and the introduction of fossil fuel and other non-renewable resources, the industrial revolution are affecting the world negatively, and as industrial designers, we should come up with the solutions that serve the same purpose but in a positive way to the environment. An example being battery powered cars and scooters, which is an improvement, however this could be pushed further. Also, designers have promoted bicycles more recently, coming up with many designs that attract consumers, and hence steer them towards a completely clean way of commuting.
- Discourage the use of fossil fuel by coming up with alternative solutions
- Right now, we are not connected to the earth, in that we come up with un-natural ways to produce energy that negatively impact the environment - causing water, air and land pollution. We need to come up with ways, tha tmake use of more nautral ways of creating energy, such as solar and hydro-electric energy. In this way, we can become more connected to the earth as we should be. As industrial designers, we should use our expertise in helping to come up with ideas in promoting this, as we should look at this film, more as an enlightenment in the things that need to be achieved, as opposed to the end of the world.
- For every truckload of products = 32 truckloads of waste. Consumer goods - Aren't we as industrial designers partially responsible for that? especially when creating things that are meant to be disposed of, or already exist, or have the possibility of being redesigned to become bigger and better? --> consumerism! Maybe we can design stuff that can be added on to existing products, so that they do not have to be disposed of, just edited. "We need a waste free industrial system."
- Discourage the use of fossil fuel by coming up with alternative solutions
- Right now, we are not connected to the earth, in that we come up with un-natural ways to produce energy that negatively impact the environment - causing water, air and land pollution. We need to come up with ways, tha tmake use of more nautral ways of creating energy, such as solar and hydro-electric energy. In this way, we can become more connected to the earth as we should be. As industrial designers, we should use our expertise in helping to come up with ideas in promoting this, as we should look at this film, more as an enlightenment in the things that need to be achieved, as opposed to the end of the world.
- For every truckload of products = 32 truckloads of waste. Consumer goods - Aren't we as industrial designers partially responsible for that? especially when creating things that are meant to be disposed of, or already exist, or have the possibility of being redesigned to become bigger and better? --> consumerism! Maybe we can design stuff that can be added on to existing products, so that they do not have to be disposed of, just edited. "We need a waste free industrial system."
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