In Banda Aceh, there was a problem with corpse disposal: they were just trying to clear bodies, and place them into 3 mass graves. There was no form of identification, as there were too many bodies to handle (thousands). If people were looking for a loved one, the only way people realised they were gone was if they didn't bump into each other during the weeks after the tsunami. Even to this day, people from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, are still hoping to find their missing person.
As people were left with nothing after the tsunami, they picked out things they came across in the debris/rubble. This was unhygenic, because they picked out dishes from here to use as well. So i designed a bottle, that when peeled apart, could be used as two bowls. This would also eliminate the landfill that was left from the bottles that the NGOs were giving out, by extening the life span of the bottle, and creating another use for the product.
The existing IV stands were too bulky to bring from overseas into Indonesia, so they were left attaching ropes from wall to wall and hanging IV bags from there. The problem with this is that it is hard to attach rope to a wall and people kept on bumping into the ropes, so they had to cover it with coloured tape that could alert people that rope was there. It was also a very tangled network of ropes. So my design is addresing this issue by having collapsible IV stands especially designed for the patients on the ground.