Thursday, October 29, 2009

4th years major projects

Saw the 4th years final presentations today, impressive CRAAAZYYY awesome hectic stuff, some of the projects look like 2 years worth of work when in actual fact, they were less than a year's worth of work - research, model-making, user-testing, renderings, tech-drawings, costing, marketing etc etc etc, all tied together!! Don't know how they are able to do that to such a high standard! Lots of technology was included in the designs, some of them sounded like they had an extensive background in electrical engineering or something. I wonder how many of them took that electrical engineering elective, if any at all. I definetely have a looooooong way to go..need to practice =.="

Was definitely good for us to watch the presentations, although I was nervous for them when they were getting interrogated, especially when some of the questions threw the student off course and answers were like hmmm..then i was sweating buckets.. but I think for sure some of the designs will be noticed by professionals in the upcoming exhibition, and will hopefully be entered in the upcomingDyson Awards! more "presos" tmw...

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