The above images were presented as a back-to-front folded A4 page to be put in the receiver’s C4 envelope.
The main function is to act as a toothbrush stand that separates each toothbrush and allows water to drip off the toothbrushes through the stand. It is flat-packed to be used for travelling families, is lightweight and does not take up much room. It could be sent as a Bon-Voyage gift to a family.
Target audience
The target audience of the product is young children because it’s kind of like a puzzle. Hence the round parts of the pieces, when in flat form are similar to that of puzzle pieces. It could act as an interactive product between young children when having sleepovers. The product consists of a highly interactive set-up for the child, as they can have fun with it. It allows individuality as they can choose what colours to use and how many pieces they want to use, depending on how many people there are. It can also be used for other objects such as stationary, as shown in the image.
Reason for chosen colours, form, and sheet material
Polypropylene was used in the design because it is waterproof, and is flexible enough to be bent in this loop shape and is durable, hence having a long lifespan. It’s also very light to be sent to someone, hence saving money for the user. Translucent material is used so that the light in the morning can shine through it, and partially show part of the object standing inside it.
There aren’t many flat-pack toothbrush stands on the market, but the one I found, designed for Colgate, requires the bristles to lean on the stand to be held up. This would mean that the brush would take longer to dry because part of the contact with the plastic. Also, the plastic used is a bit too thick to be mailed in an envelope easily.
i love the design you have made fro the toothbrush stand i think its a great idea :)
i love the use of colour and making the stand like a game (puzzle) which is very exciting for a child having to brush their teeth which is not something most kids are particularly fond of.
i think that the material used looked great and also was waterproof, but i was wandering if maybe after repeated bending the material would snap? maybe a different sort of plastic that is more bendable?.
also with the instructions i had a look at them and the first steps looked simple enough but it did not explain how to attached the other bits, did you have to attach them to the blue or to the red, i think a child could get alittle confused?
also maybe if you added a base for the toothbrush stand to slot into it might make it more study because i was thinking that if only one toothbrush was put into thecontainer then it would tip because of its weight?
other then that great design i love that is playful and useful at the same time :):):)
Hey Jessica,
I think your flat pack design is a great and funky idea for young families.
The use of colour is great and vibrant, not only attracting the intended target market, but more importantly making the chore of cleaning teeth much more fun for children. Thus creating a human experience, that regular bland toothbrush holders fail to do.
You have not only focused on the overal visual appearance and function of the design, but you have really thought about the interaction of the child in making the 2d object 3d, with the puzzle pieces coming together. Well done.
I agree with Nitzan about the weight of the toothbrushes.. maybe some sort of device at the back of the stand, that could attach to the tile wall of the bathroom; may have been more suitable to hold the stand in place.. especially from excited children grabbing their toothbrushes.
But other then that, a really funky cool design.
Hey Jess!
Really great presentation with the instructions. Clean and very well laid out. You've chosen a great mix of colours from the material you used, and overall I think that you made something really usefull in the most simplest way. I think its great how you thought about its use outside of just being mailed through, and took into consideration its use for travel. Add to that visual appeal and its just a great solution to the brief all round. I could only add that to make this product better, maybe a more interesting base shape would have helped. But that's just me. Great job.
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