Mentioned this in an earlier post, and finally checked it out last month. A few installations were set up around George Street and in the alleyways c
onnecting to it, in an attempt to get people to notice the "laneways and forgotten spaces".
This was by far my favourite installation... creepy, grimey, hairy and ewww! Just made me laugh the first time I saw it. So life like as well! Don't know what it is made of, but it feels like pig skin or something. touch it. Reminds me of Patricia Piccinini. We came across this accidentally outside Tank at Bridge Lane.

We went back to check everything out in the day time! They look alot better at nightime, maybe because it looks grimier and darker, like a growth that isn't supposed to be there.

There were chirping bird sounds all around, probably took the most photos here...

This yellow alleyway didn't impress us as much, especially after the seeing the bird cages.

Although there was a massive tear in the fabric at the other end which was pretty cool in their attempt to hold it together. Couldn't figure out if it was accidental or not. At least they make for interesting photos...

According to images online,
The Meeting Place looks better at night because it is lit up and you can see people moving through it and it's supposed to encourage social interaction. So....narrow alleyways encourage social interaction? And people can lean and bounce against the fabric, between both walls because it's super strong. damn. i find that if i read about stuff online and research the piece first, its so much more interesting when i see it, rather than just come across it.
So here is more info on it!
THE URBAN BARCODEuhhh what? is this it???Couldn't figure out if this was one of the installations of the exhibition. Only after walking away did we re-read the
walking guide and realise that there were markings on the ground below the lights that matched the flurescent lights and indicated bar codes. If i hadn't taken any pictures, wouldn't have seen it at all! I guess this is another one of the installations that would look much better in the night time, where the lights would GLOW and the bar code markings below would be hilighted.

And another
huh? what?

yeah these yellow lines are part of the installation. teehee.

Laneways by George runs through February. There are two more installations, the 7m Bar which sound and looks INSANE, judging by the photos online and is probably the hilight of the exhibition, except I haven't seen it yet, and
Infinity Forest, but ran outta battery.