Monday, March 8, 2010


So many earths!! I need a compost bin of some sort, too much waste that doesn't get used. Air travel has a really large ecological footprint as well, due to the high energy input required for flying, which i did not take much notice of before, but has a massive contribution to my ecofootprint, especially take off and landing


zi xin wong said...

Finally, some updates! Yay!

Forget bar charts and pie charts, check out infographics,

Jessica Tong said...

haha i like the haiti thing..where is guyana? and how come they are such nice people

Dr Mariano Ramirez Jr said...

Jessica,it's not required to reflect on this particular homework, but can you give a few comments on your ecological footprint? What do you think is causing you to require that many planets to sustain your lifestyle (if everybody lived like you)?